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Faceless Noob
Player ID: 239477
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 705
Energetic immunity : 812
Trade sense : 422
Briskness : 656
Initiative : 404
Defence : 4617
Attack : 2924
Luck : 159
Power : 708
Volition : 485
Cartography : 29
Herbalism : 18
Woodcutting : 46
Finesse : 21
Mining : 13
Gardening : 9
Waterhandling : 24
*taming : 6
*excavation : 14
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Light = 4000
Time Principle = 4000
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
Element Principle = 4000
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Buys and sells resources for a profit. Masters economic and trade skills. Needs many unique resource types traded over long time. Can attend further studies at the Archives.
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Battle stats
Won: 3040 | Lost: 3040
Honor: 4913
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance

A man has no face... 

After 3½ years of exile, the faceless man returns to his journey. Disguised as some guy, got a job in Loreroot, works 44 hours a week collecting all kinds of material while preparing hisr plan, but then what will be his real goal?

~ Day: 273 Year: 11 ~

After a few days working and collecting resources, finding people discretely and collecting information about them, finally it seems that everything is going well and is beginning to reap some results. With the help of Mallos found a strange skull, something very interesting that will be saved for future studies. Also had a low-key job of feeding a young knator, a quite difficult task because if the creature getting too hungry can turn even against the hand that feeds it.

 ~ Day: 278 Year: 11 ~

*Aethon* rumbles again
 [Spell] Stone tomb - Faceless Noob
 *Aethon* stands and stomps off
: Faceless Noob Jump
 [Spell] disguised in the shadows
 Faceless Noob is disguised from Aethon
 Faceless Noob keep walking around

~ Day: 279 Year: 11 ~

Ailith puts a flower in front of the teeny tiny angien
AilithWish me luck my beautiful little friend
 Murder! lashtal murders Ailith - caught tresspassing Necrovion
Faceless Noob*put his sorrow face* (T_T)
Ailith revives!
Faceless Noob*put his happy face* :D
 Ailith hugs Faceless Noob
 Faceless Noob hugs Ailith
Faceless Noob passed Flowers to Ailith

~ Day: 281 Year: 11 ~

Another few more days of hard work, he was able to find some powerful creatures to help him in his task, Ungod helped him to recruit a Soulweaver, later he hired a Blood Pact Archer. Ninrodel, the queen of itens was walking around when he saw her loads of itens, after some negotiation, he was able to purchase a mask.

His 1st mask is *anger*, something interesting, as in the next days he started to be stalked by his old enemy, still hidden in the shadows, disguised, unindentified, maybe this mask alone will not be enought for the task, Faceless think_I need more masks, and tools to complete my task...

~ Day: 285 Year: 11 ~

Some time mining inside Golemus and he was able to find several valuable minerals, includind a diamond and gold, so he goes back to Loreroot after some lumber, loads of lumber, bought some wiija and started to produce diferent ingredients in the spare time...

~ Day: 287 Year: 11 ~

 Faceless Noob returns with a handful of freshly cut wood
LintaraYou didn't touch the saplings, did you?
 Faceless Noob after look more closely find 2 interesting objects in the middle of wood
 Faceless Noob oh!
 Faceless Noob look that Charcoal rubbing with a strange face on it
Faceless Noob*and what about that Wood beaded bracelet* ?
 Faceless Noob passed Wood beaded bracelet to Lintara
LintaraHum? *tilts her head curious, slightly waves her tail*
 Faceless Noob maybe this is a nice gift to a lady?
LintaraAh, thank you! *smiles, puts it on and shakes her wrist a little, making a rattling noise with the bracelet* It's a fine gift indeed.
 Faceless Noob smiles
Lintara*tilts her head at him again* What's on that paper over there?
Faceless Noobthat face? I cant recognize it!
Faceless Noobdraw with charcoal, must be a artist thing...
Lintara*chuckles* Perhaps the artist got frustrated drawing it. I don't think they just throw their drawings away like that...
Faceless Noobif only we could recognize who is in the drawing, an artist really only throw it away if it was not good enough, it's a shame, just to stir our curiosity...
LintaraMm, true. Too bad charcoal drawings don't take being thrown out well - I can hardly make out a face at all.
Faceless NoobWeel, I've been thinking, what was the last time it rained? Anyone remember?
*Sunfire*rain rain go away, come back another day
LintaraHum I think last one was yesterday?...
Faceless Noobcertainly so, but it is made of charcoal drawing, so it must have been thrown out some time after the last rain, otherwise would have deteriorated ...
LintaraOh, paper doesn't deteriorate that fast. But yes, it must have been at most a few weeks...

~ Day: 288 Year: 11 ~

Another day of hard work chopping wood, but this special day behind a major advance for his plans, it was finally possible to negotiate another mask: Bauta Venetian Mask!

~ Day: 291 Year: 11 ~

With alot of work and help, Faceless finally completed one of his main tasks, found the rare creature Shmsh!

~ Day: 298 Year: 11 ~


Faceless, the faceless man, not that he does not have a face, of course; but he always keeps it covered with a mask... Is he shy? Impossible! This would be an exaggeration; Deformed? Who knows ... Trying to hide his true identity? Perhaps...

It seems to me that he is in truth obsessed with his face, who has been in his house saw no mirrors anywhere, sometimes he gets a face doodling on paper, and when he distracts and thinks no one is watching him put the design on his unmasked face; other times he is fingering a strange faceless statue he bought in an antique shop...

Anyway it seems that recently he had the idea of using a angry mask and a pumpkin and create his own hallowen mask to use this year...

But everything has its price and the right time to do it, there may be no time for this at all, it is certain that his work and recent research led him to buy a trip to Necrovion, after all what better place for a weird man who seems to have some disorder like prosopagnosia to do a obscure research...

Lashtal a subject also quite mysterious is his guide during the trip to Necrovion, they go through many dark places, weird, strange places, that seem to actually be a twisted mirror or a negative plan of elsewhere; for the first time in many years, Faceless feel at home, his appearance does not matter, in fact not even his presence is noticed...

So at any given time they come to a place called House of the Tainted Times and step into the dark library, he is so fascinated and think:

"Finally, here may I find what I seek so much!"

...For days with poor light, sitting in a dark corner he is reading, studying those old books, suddenly starts to rain, the temperature cools increasingly, some leaks begin to form and the water begins to pool on the floor, lightning cut the sky followed by loud thunder, he notes the roof and reflections that the lightning are within the library, note that by the local state these books should have already decayed many years ago, but are intact, just dusty and...covered in spiderwebs...how he had not noticed this before??

He was so excited about reading and researching he had not seen spiderwebs scattered everywhere, suddenly something rubs his leg and walks inside his pants, a chill runs through his spine and between jumps and screams he can get rid of the creature, with his heart pounding he looks with the help of a flash of the last lightning.... was just a mouse...

He seeks to calm down and sit in a corner, but just in a large puddle of water, the storm is passing and his vision will muddying, then he can not see anything right, then now is the darkness that frightens him, he tries to grope something but it seems that the shelves of books are gone from his reach, again something rubs his leg, he just think that is the mouse again, yet he refrains from trying to find out what is in the midst of darkness, sitting in the corner he try to rises slowly as the creature slowly climb his body, then the feeling is unbearable, much as he avoids thinking it can not be a mouse, a rat after all has only 4 legs and it certainly possessed at least twice...

Sweat ran down his face, chills the spine at every step of the creature rising through his body, then suddenly a lightning, the storm that seemed to have calmed down gave his last sign, then with a brightness that was formed for a brief moment he observed what was already climbing at belly height: a huge tarantula, in a superhuman effort he hits the spider and runs through the dark corridors of the library...

He suddenly stumbles on something on the ground, the roots of some plants seem to break the floor and try to curl up at his feet, he desperately tries to get rid of those living roots while crawling back, then he hears footsteps coming his way... A frightening voice echoed through the corridors and call for him, then after a moment the figure shrouded in black cloth approaches and touches the shoulder and says:

 "Faceless what happened? You scared with something? For days you are locked inside the House of the Tainted Times Dark Hall for your research... Then he finally recognizes Lashtal the guide who brought him inside Necrovion, then he realizes that there were not so many spiderwebs, the only spider that he was able to observe in a spiderweb was so small it did not scare a fly, nor was raining, there were no waterpuddles on the floor, or roots or plants breaking through the floor, was he going crazy? Madness or was it just a nightmare?


~ Day: 299 Year: 11 ~
...: Faceless Noob passed Sawdust to Syrian
*Syrian*hello faceless
 Faceless Noob passed Sawdust to Syrian
*Syrian*thank you, and for the ones yesterday too
Faceless Noob passed Sawdust to Syrian
 Faceless Noob passed Sawdust to Syrian
Faceless Noob passed Sawdust to MaGoHi
Faceless Noob passed Sawdust to MaGoHi
 Faceless Noob passed Sawdust to MaGoHi
 Faceless Noob passed Sawdust to MaGoHi
Faceless Noob passed Sawdust to Miq
 Faceless Noob passed Sawdust to Miq
 Faceless Noob passed Sawdust to Miq
 Faceless Noob passed Sawdust to Miq
 Faceless Noob passed Sawdust to MaGoHi
 Faceless Noob passed Sawdust to Miq
 Faceless Noob was playing pile sawdust on the bodies of sleepers

~ Day: 302 Year: 11 ~

LintaraOh my, there must be a choral of clocks ticking all the time.
dstthe wristwatches are too small so I don't hear them
dstand one of the clocks is elctronic so no tic tac
LintaraAh well!
Faceless NoobI have a crazy clock at home, no matter how you arrange, it is always late, tick ... tock ...
Ungodone of my grandmas had a wallclock, which was quite beautiful, and always late
Ungodthere are these clocks that disrespect time
Ungodand, since time is a human being creation, just as the watch...
 Ungod falters, forgetting his conclusion
Ungodbeing's creation*
 Faceless Noob scratches his head beneath the mask...
 Lintara flicks her ears, confused a little
Ungodit's like our creations fight against us, no?
Ungodby fighting eachother
Ungodclocks against time, time against clocks
Ungodus against time...i think sometimes we need to forget about it
Faceless NoobI had never thought about it more seriously, but really, the clock insist on staying late is a form of protest ...
Ungodor a reminder
Ungodto give it more attention...or less
Ungodwhen soemthing goes wrong, do you try to fix it or do you give up?
Faceless NoobI imagine that the trend is always trying to fix, but then around the issue, fix from the view point of who?
Ungodthe trend? i think the trend is to give up. it's hard fixing things.
Ungoda relationship, a broken watch
Ungoda clock resisting the 'natural' passing of time...i'd give up fixing it, tbh
Ungodit's a nice reminder
~ Day: 305 Year: 11 ~
He set off on an extremely dangerous mission with his traveling companions Ungod and Lashtal...and as reward get a Morph
...He managed as an ally the powerful GG Drach...306 Columbina venetian mask ; dueled with DD
Dark Demon nods

Dark DemonI'm not going to be nasty. Will you, Faceless?

Faceless NoobI think this will be fair

 Faceless Noobwho 1st?

Dark DemonVery well then, you go first.

lashtalWhenever you are ready, you can go.

[Spell] A mirror appear Face yourself the darkest fear Dark Demon (mirror-ritual)

[Spell] Lost in the maze of your own mind ~ Faceless Noob (movelock)

~ Day: 314 Year: 11 ~
 Become a Woodcutter's Apprentice
                                                                                                              ~ Day: 5 Year: 12 ~
Become a Resource Merchant
~ Day: 11 Year: 12 ~
Found a gold avy at shop *smiles*
Some of my creatures
Quechua Sentinel Aztlan Archangel Doppelganger BloodPact Dark Arrow Phoenix Unholy Priest II Atahuallpa Rustgold Water Daimon II Loreroot Sharptear Elemental IV Tenochtitlan Drach

I'm Back and lost my avy  :(
If you can see a better looking avy than my, with faceless/mask, let me know ;)

Venetian mask

Venetian masks are a centuries-old tradition of VeniceItaly. The masks are typically worn during the Carnival (Carnival of Venice), but have been used on many other occasions in the past, usually as a device for hiding the wearer's identity and social status. The mask would permit the wearer to act more freely in cases where he or she wanted to interact with other members of the society outside the bounds of identity and everyday convention. It was useful for a variety of purposes, some of them illicit or criminal, others just personal, such as romantic encounters.

Bauta (sometimes referred as baùtta) is a mask which covers the whole face, this was a traditional piece of art, with a stubborn chin line, no mouth, and lots of gilding. The mask has a square jaw line often pointed and tilted upwards to enable the wearer to talk, eat and drink easily without having to remove the mask thereby preserving their anonymity. The Bauta was often accompanied by a red cape and a tricorn.

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In 18th century, the Bauta had become a standardized society mask and disguise regulated by the Venetian government.[  It was obligatory to wear it at certain political decision-making events when all citizens were required to act anonymously as peers. Only citizens had the right to use the Bauta. Its role was similar to the anonymizing processes invented to guarantee general, direct, free, equal and secret ballots in modern democracies.

It was not allowed to wear weapons along with the mask, and police had the right to enforce

What Is Anger All About?

 There is a strong relationship between anger and fear. Anger is the fight part of the age-old fight-or-flight response to threat. Most animals respond to threat by either fighting or fleeing. But, we don’t always have the option to fight what threatens us. Instead, we have anger. Words are the civilized way that we get to fight threat. And, some words, as you know, are meant to sting as deeply as a stab wound. Anger is one of the ways that we help our body to prepare for potential danger. Anger stimulates adrenaline to rouse the brain and body to fight or flee a threatening situation. Of course, in more primitive days, the things that angered us centered solely on threats to our survival (a basic need for food, shelter, water, or land). Today, we are civilized; we’ve formed identities of preferences and values of living that make us complex and psychologically defensive. Assaults to your principles, beliefs, and needs and wishes are the basis for your anger, now. And, you will protect your identity as strongly as if you were defending your right to food, shelter, water or land.
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The Columbina (also known as Columbine and Columbino) is a half mask often highly decorated with gold, silver, crystals and feathers. It is held up to the face by a baton or tied with ribbon as with most other Venetian masks. The columbine was popularised by an early actress in the Commedia dell'arte of the same name. It is said it was designed for her because she did not wish to have her beautiful face covered completely.
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Page 372 - The Inner Sun - Ren., Am.
The sound of the door opening and footsteps causes the Archivist to look up once more. "I'm back!" Amoran grins broadly. Renavoid stands and sets the quill and log aside. "Splendid!" Ren quirks an eyebrow at a once again sleeping Adept, then, rolling his eyes, thinks. "Now...where did I leave off in our tale..." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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